Tuesday, November 19, 2013

                                                                   Filip turned 1

Filip loves balls so we decided to do  a ball themed birthday party for him.  the weather turned out to be great, so we were able to do his party at the park.  we had all sorts of balls there for the kids to play with, including a ball pit for the little ones. 

                                 Filip and his cousin both loved playing in the ball pit together

         He got to have his very own ball shaped smash cake.  He absolutely loved it and loved making a mess.

                             Our family and friends spoiled him with such fun toys, books and cute clothes.

                                          Thank you to all those that helped us celebrate with Filip

Filip's first time at the pool, and he loved it.  He discovered how to sit on the edge and jump off to us.

we let him do a some finger painting with pudding.  he had so much fun with it, and loved eating it even more.

                                                           Filip's first fourth of July

                                       He did not like fire works, they were to loud for his taste.

                                                   We went to the Zoo for my birthday. 
                                        Filip loved all the water features in the animal exhibits. 

We decided to go to the new splash pad they built in North Logan.  i was surprised at how well filip did with the water.

Reggie's family came out for a bit during the summer.  We took them to the cache valley fair.  It was Filip's first time as well.  he loved seeing all the animals, and was fascinated by the giant tractors.

summer was a lot of fun and spent doing lots of stuff.  the end has come, so i guess now bring on the cold.